Articles on Mind-Body Transformation, Integration, and Performance
by Tom Fazio
...For Letters Just Like These Delivered Weekly
Mind-Body Performance Training
Portrait of a Poor Performer: 18 Faults Separating You From Personal Peak Performance
Long-Hold Stretching: Old-School Flexibility Training Did Something Right
Why I Fast: On Intermittent Fasting, Dancing Stars, and the Steppenwolf Reborn
Why High-Rep (200+) Bodyweight Training (Calisthenics) Is a Must for Muscle Building & Strength Gain
An Unorthodox Hack for Masterful Mindfulness
Homage to the Horse Stance & the Value of Isometric Training
Free Chapters | In Pursuit of Weightlessness by Tom Fazio
The Birth of Weightlessness | On Reviving a Lost Mind-Body Peformance Art
From Businessman to Beast | On Rapid Body Transformation & Strength Gain
Reviving the Dumpster Baby | On Mindful Awareness & Nonjudgment
The Dice Club | On the Power of Randomness for Reuniting with the Present
Somatic Embodiment
Anatomy of a Quitter: The Somatics of Surrender
Respect the Cane | On Mind-Body Deterioration & Somatic Coaching (With Stakes)
Rounded Shoulders, Sheltered Heart: The Somatic Significance of Slouching
Curse of the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP's)
The Highly Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide | How to Not Get Triggered as an HSP
Somatic Personality Types of Weightlessness
The Weightless Blog
Mind-Body Musings and Peak Performance Insights
2025年1月21日For those of you hanging loose already from yesterday's challenge, the second of ten, I wanted to...2024年11月12日Well… it’s been one of those years. And while the specifics of enemies who may or may not need...2024年9月1日 · growth mindsetThere is an expectation by many who attempt to do anything that those who do things can just do...More Posts