About Weightlessness Training
Mind Body Performance by Tom Fazio
From Its Origins in the jungle of Koh Phangan, Thailand to the early tribes in Shanghai, China a decade later, Weightlessness has been tested by fire, evolved through the blood, sweat, and tears of passionate and dedicated high performers.
Tom has delivered Weightlessness via 100 day tribes in Shanghai, through business school immersions and YPO retreats, in TedX talks and fitness Expos, in print through the Weightless Trilogy, and remotely, through The Weightlessness Process to leaders, coaches, and mind body enthusiasts worldwide.
We want Weightlessness in the hands of as many conscientious practitioners as possible, empowering them to conquer stress, be present to life, and transform any moment into a weightless one.
Weightlessness Training
Weightlessness Training contains two models of development:
The Weightlessness Spectrum and Lightness Training. The Weightlessness Spectrum is a progressive model of development that allows for careful diagnostics of one's mind body capacity, and targeted, holistic prescriptions that acknowledge individual strengths, nurture weaknesses, to design heightened mind body connection and peak performance.
Lightness Training, rather than mapping the shortest path to performance as the W Spectrum does, leverages those foundations and hones in on four core skills that integrate in minimalistic Lightness Protocols. Where The Spectrum aims to distill the broad spectrum of mind body practices to a minimal few with profound and wide reaching impact, Lightness aims for depth & mastery of a select few, trained in tandem, and practiced daily.
The Weightlessness Spectrum
The Weightlessness Spectrum is a story of growth, one as old as the ancient mind-body arts. Analogous to the philosophies of Shaolin martial arts or Yoga, where physical training is a precursor to mental and spiritual development (but do so in exhaustive, comprehensive, and dogmatic structures), The W Spectrum identifies first principles and prime movers of performance in highly targeted, minimalistic doses.
It identifies exactly what we need, when we need it, across four key pillars - strength, flexibility, meditation, and nutrition - to fortify, heal, and integrate the mind body, and skyrocket global performance.
The Spectrum, along with The Mind Body Archetypes Framework, gives the trainee extraordinary insights into long held patterns of thought and movement, somatic defaults that dominate social experience, and precise, actionable steps that designed the extraordinary personal breakthroughs and heightened mind body connection relayed in the testimonials across this website.
The Tao of Weightlessness
At its core, Weightlessness is about balancing two polarities, two 'selves' that each of us embody, to varying degrees: one self, motivated by forward momentum in life, the other, by the need for connection in this present moment. And they rarely agree on strategy...
These two selves are at cross purposes, valuing different time horizons - sacrificing these present moments plan, prepare, study, invest for future ones, or acknowledging that this moment is the only moment when/where life can be truly tasted. This takes nothing more than a moment of self reflection to validate. If there was no tomorrow, how would you make use of today? If you had a guarantee of 50 years ahead, to the day, how would you make use of today (and many days to follow) to maximize your quality of life for as many years as possible? It's likely your allocation of time is different depending on which question you're answering...
Where we move from abstract reasoning to practical philosophy, that is, philosophy that can be embodied, lived, is in acknowledging the prime movers, or capacities, that drive success in each of these horizons - a weightless today or an awesome tomorrow - is different. To extract as much value from one moment to the next, sensitivity and presence must be cultivated to a very high degree. To maximize future upside, sacrifices must be made, discomforts and positive stressors embraced, in order to weather the pains and challenges inherent in success.
The Weightlessness Spectrum optimizes these capacities - resilience to stress, and sensitivity to life - so that one is not forced to compromise, but can live the best of both worlds.
The Mind Body Archetypes Framework translates these capacities into conscious qualities (Grit and Sensate), to be consciously embodied by the practitioner as needed, with masterful implementation.
Lightness Training designs the merger of these capacities (and qualities) within singular, conscious events - the warrior who is exceedingly sensitive, the empath who is exceedingly antifragile... The Jedi.
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