All Categories - Weightlessness | Mind Body Performance Coaching
For those of you hanging loose already from yesterday's challenge, the second of ten, I wanted to...
Well… it’s been one of those years. And while the specifics of enemies who may or may not need...
2024年9月1日 ·
There is an expectation by many who attempt to do anything that those who do things can just do...
Mastery Vs Transcendence... No, they’re not the same. But yes, they can be. Let’s have fun. To...
There’s a principle in qigong that offers insight well beyond the scope of energy work: Where...
A mantra that’s been tossed around the current Weightlessness Process Tribe: “Failure is Where...
I recall, after publishing In Pursuit of Weightlessness over a decade ago, receiving an email...
'Training on the Edge' will mean different things to different people. Even within Weightlessness...
"My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart, I...
There are ghosts in the system - lingering remnants of lives lived, loves lost, and all-consuming...
2024年6月17日 ·
Meditation requires translation. While the practice of mindfulness can and should be learned in...
2024年6月17日 ·
Happy accidents sometimes happen, and when they do, it’s good to take note. I accidentally lost...
Breathe! In my last letter I talked about your physical structure (i.e. how posture affects mood...
In my last letter I talked about eyes (Attention & Mental State), the first of 3 meta-regulators...
In my last letter I talked about 3 meta-regulators of mind-body connection; 3 tools that give you...
We all carry 3 three treasures of performance - 3 master regulators of mind-body connection - the...
2023年11月16日 ·
“I get up in the evenin' And I ain't got nothin' to say I come home in the mornin' I go to bed...
A phenomenon of personal transformation, and one not often highlighted, is the time lag between...
“Stand upright.” “Don’t slouch.” “Pull your shoulders back.” We’ve all heard it (or said it) a...
There’s been increasing interest of late, by those who consider themselves highly sensitive, for...