Our Somatic Coaching Model
Applying the Mind-Body Archetypes Framework
The Mind Body Archetypes Framework of Weightlessness bridges the gap between capacity development (accrued via The Weightlessness Process as one progresses along The Weightlessness Spectrum) and the skill of embodied presence and performance in this very moment. Mind body training dramatically increases the probability of resilience to stress, presence to life, and the ability to design more weightless moments... but it doesn't guarantee that gap - from mind body capacity to somatic experiencing in the moment - gets bridged.
Hence, our coaching framework empowers the trainee to translate the cultivated qualities of their mind body into conscious performance traits, and empowers the coach to guide trainees to higher levels of embodied self awareness. And from there, to choose how they want to show up from one moment to the next.
These four traits - grit, sensate, cerebral, and fluid - are native to each of us, and can be cultivated through mind body training a la Weightlessness, or dialed up and down as needed given specific circumstances in the moment. We all have a mind-body complex (x- axis) that feels and thinks, and we all develop capacities for effort and ease (y-axis) over our lifetimes.
Discover Your Mind Body (Somatic) Personality Type
Each mind body trait, and their combinations, becomes conditioned over-time from exposure to stressors - physical, emotional, social or environmental. Though these traits can be conditioned unconsciously, they can also be consciously developed - as we teach in The Weightlessness Process - in order to sense and respond to the world with conscious, embodied awareness: to weather stress, to flow with life, and to taste the richness of life from one moment to the next.
If you'd like to learn more about how we do this, the complimentary Strawberry Webinar will take you on an awesome 30 minute deep dive.
Deep Dive Your Mind-Body Personality Traits
Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your somatic defaults, and how you can adopt new mind-body patterns to first center yourself, and eventually, choose new ways of being in the present!
Want Us To Help You Transform?
See How Weightlessness Training Can Help.