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The Most Important Thing You Could do This Year | ...on Mind-Body Performance Training

May 28, 2021

Hey there, let’s have a chat.

Look back over the last year - a year of unexpected happenings and hardships. What's your one thing?

That one thing you did that positively impacts everything else you wish to do for years to come?

Not sure? Ok... This year then.

And mind you, I'm talking about ripples. The drop at the center of your pool that can be felt at the far off edges. 

If that box isn't checked and executed yet, please give me two minutes to share with you something that has checked that box for myself and others.  

I enjoyed exploring this topic so much that I went ahead and turned it into a video as well. If you'd prefer to view rather than read, you can watch that here: 

And if you want to do both... hell, have yourself a ball.

I’ve learned over the years The Weightlessness Process isn’t right for everybody. But I’ll try to give you a few of my own thoughts that may help you decide if delving deeper is right for you.

So, I’m gonna briefly talk about The Why, the What, and the Who. 

Why Weightlessness matters to me…

Admittedly, I’m biased. I created it. However, I’m still a practitioner after 20 years for one simple reason – life is better when I do it, and it’s worse when I don’t. Always… and without exception. 

Weightlessness, for me, solves problems that after a degree in philosophy and years in the mind-body and martial arts domains – I felt were wholly unresolved. It’s possible to have a six pack and still be depressed. It’s possible to have an advanced degree and still feel lost for purpose. It’s possible to be wealthy and feel weighed down by life. These promises are illusions – teasers of happiness that don’t deliver. 

We’re taught to value happiness above all else, but humans are terrible at identifying meaningful factors that generate it. It’s a black box. The more we pursue it, the more we realize we lack it. Happiness can be discovered, but it cannot be designed.

Weightless moments, however, can be designed. 

We know enough about biology, neurology, and operant conditioning to reverse engineer a state of weightlessness – one marked by a sense of freedom, presence, and personal power. 

We can clearly identify burdens – both internal and external, that inhibit us from approaching each day our most focused, integrated, and passion-filled selves:

  • Heaviness
  • Stiffness
  • Distractedness
  • Disconnection
  • Apathy… 

And when we take the time – and this is why this process is not for everyone – to identify those inhibitors and do the hard work required to unburden ourselves of them, well... we feel weightless. 

And it just so happens this process is accompanied by a handful of awesome byproducts:

Which brings me to The What. The Weightlessness Process is not designed as a rote “give me the answers” type of program. We want you to own this process for yourself. We want to teach you to fish – to walk away from your experience with the tools that – should you ever find yourself in a less than weightless state – allow you to reconnect in a few moments to a few weeks.

In the process we journey through three phases of development. In phase 1 we hit the prime movers of transformation:

- Nutrition & Strength

In phase 2 we dissect the essence of mind-body integration:

- Tensegrity and The Meditative Mind

In phase 3 we complete the circle with a return to source – realizing the scope of performance for all of us is in the power of conscious, active living, and not grand achievements alone. In this phase we discuss:

- Breath Control and Energy Cultivation, and Accessing Present, Weightless Moments in the Everyday Stuff of Life. 

And finally… The Who.

One of the most amazing things about this Process, is it always comes with unpredictable surprises. Those who fly within it are rarely those you’d guess based on mind-body experience, fitness level, or professional occupation.

We’ve had executives, athletes, war veterans, doctors, lawyers, performers, entrepreneurs, coaches, teachers, stay at home moms and dads, and mind-body enthusiasts from their 20’s through their 50’s. 

While we’ve been blessed with awesome participants, some of whom have been through the process five times with ever deepening practice, personal accomplishments and domain status have been a poor predictor of performance within The Process.

What has made the biggest difference, above all else, is hunger:

A willingness to go all in, to expose oneself to a process that takes time to unfold. 

And a desire to access those moments of weightlessness I alluded to above. 

If this resonates with you, we’d be happy to have an open chat with no obligations to see whether it’s a good fit. Be warned, it’s not an easy process. It tests most of us in unpredictable ways. But it does deliver.

We’d love to see you weightless.

Tom Fazio