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"I Came to Weightlessness to Heal"

November 9, 2021

If you'd asked me in my twenties what Weightlessness was about, I'd likely have said something like 'freedom.' Or perhaps 'passion.'

If you'd asked me in my thirties what it was about, I'd most likely have said 'performance.'

And now, in my forties, I feel like I'm coming home. I'd say it's a way of being, of living with conscious intention, and all of the beautiful byproducts that come with it - presence, integration, and empowerment. 

BUT... a close second, and one that has been hard to ignore over the last few years, is healing. Because, oddly enough, when you get to the source, to the essence of mind-body development, then freedom, passion, performance, presence, and even healing... ARE THE SAME THING. 

When our greatest mind-body resources are optimized and aligned, magic happens. 

Here, Maddy's recent experience: 

"I first reached out to Tom after reading “In Pursuit of Weightlessness.” In that book he told stories of helping people heal from injuries, so I asked if he could help me heal from mine.

"I got seriously injured while serving in the United States Army. After 8 hours in surgery and 9 months in physical therapy, I gradually learned to walk again, but it ended my military career. I was excited when Tom let me into the Weightlessness program. It was honestly a dream come true! 

"With the Weightlessness Process and Tom’s guidance I made huge progress. After three months in the program, I can run again, even better than I could before my injury. I gained my self-confidence back. I learned to trust in my body’s ability to perform again.

"If you want to heal; If you want to reconnect mind and body; If you want your own epic anime transformation, reach out to Tom and join a Weightlessness Tribe."

- Maddy, Tribe 12

When we get the basics right, we get the performance... but we get the healing too. 

Read Maddy's updated testimonial on her healing process.

Be Weightless!
